Harry Hart (Colin Firth), also known as Galahad, is in search of a new agent for Kingsman, a private intelligence service established after World War I that, over the decades, has protected humanity at large. The Kingsman is made up of the British elite, founded on a code of ethics and manners. Galahad, instead, recruits Gary “Eggsy” Unwin (Taron Egerton), a chav from South London, who is the son of a former Kingsman operative. Eggsy is then put through a test of trials to prove his capabilities. At the same time, Richmond Valentine (Samuel L. Jackson), with the goal of ending global warming, embarks on a plan to rid the world of most of its population. Valentine manages to destroy most of the Kingsman, so it is up to Eggsy and two surviving other Kingsman to stop him.
This article was originally published by Elle.com. Read the original article here.